Your Hero.

Your Moment.

Your Figu­re.

Helden-Figur eines Fußballspielers in voller Größe auf einem Podest
Helden-Figur eines Fußballspielers in voller Größe auf einem Podest

Your Hero.

Your Moment.

Your Figu­re.

Helden-Figur eines Fußballspielers in voller Größe auf einem Podest

Transforming Ideas into Iconic Collectibles.

Inspire enthusiasm with unique fan articles, stunning collectibles, and innovative merchandising ideas.

Transforming Ideas
into Iconic Collectibles.

Inspire enthusiasm with unique fan articles, stunning collectibles, and innovative merchandising ideas.

Transforming Ideas
into Iconic Collectibles.

Inspire enthusiasm with unique fan articles, stunning collectibles, and innovative merchandising ideas.

Igni­te your cus­to­mers’ pas­si­on! The figu­res by «Tobi­as Rahm Han­dels­agen­tur» (spe­cia­lists in sou­ve­nirs, fan items, and mer­chan­di­sing) are high-qua­­li­­ty, intri­ca­te­ly detail­ed coll­ec­ti­bles that fasci­na­te, reso­na­te emo­tio­nal­ly, and tell their own uni­que sto­ries. They offer a remar­kab­le blend of arti­stry and coll­ec­ting pas­si­on, making them the per­fect choice to spark excitement—whether as fan artic­les, spe­cial gifts, sou­ve­nirs, or exclu­si­ve mer­chan­di­sing items.

Each design is craf­ted with the utmost pre­cis­i­on, and the diver­se cus­to­miza­ti­on opti­ons can be tail­o­red to the inte­rests and pre­fe­ren­ces of your tar­get audi­ence. Whe­ther memo­rable game sce­nes, per­so­nal moments, or ico­nic symbols—these figu­res cap­tu­re enthu­si­asm and pro­vi­de a crea­ti­ve way to make emo­ti­ons and con­nec­tions tan­gi­ble. They are ver­sa­ti­le tools for repre­sen­ting your brand and mes­sa­ge in a distinc­ti­ve way.

Ver­sa­ti­le. Rich in detail. Unique.
Craf­ted to per­fec­tion. Desi­gned to inspire.

Helden-Figur «Füchsle», das Maskottchen des SC Freiburg, handmodelliertes Fanartikel-Figürchen

The figu­res by Tobi­as Rahm Han­dels­agen­tur offer count­less pos­si­bi­li­ties and go far bey­ond tra­di­tio­nal sou­ve­nirs. They can be desi­gned to repre­sent a wide ran­ge of sce­nes and cha­rac­ters and cus­to­mi­zed to ali­gn per­fect­ly with a brand’s or team’s iden­ti­ty. Craf­ted from high-qua­­li­­ty mate­ri­als with meti­cu­lous atten­ti­on to detail, each figu­re beco­mes a cove­ted coll­ec­ti­ble that exci­tes fans and streng­thens loyal­ty to clubs and brands.

Thanks to their fle­xi­bi­li­ty and a broad array of crea­ti­ve opti­ons, the­se figu­res tran­s­cend typi­cal collector’s items: they are exclu­si­ve fan artic­les that express pas­si­on and enthu­si­asm for sports stars, music legends, or actors in enti­re­ly new ways. Their pre­mi­um design and limi­t­ed avai­la­bi­li­ty also crea­te an added value for coll­ec­tors. Whe­ther it’s ico­nic moments like a decisi­ve soc­cer goal, unfor­gettable sce­nes che­ris­hed by fans, or artis­tic figu­res from the world of gam­ing and other themes—these figu­res cap­tu­re the spi­rit of the times and con­nect fans with their idols in a tru­ly uni­que way.

As cus­to­mizable gifts, the­se figu­res are equal­ly ver­sa­ti­le. From sou­ve­nirs to cor­po­ra­te anni­ver­s­a­ries or award cere­mo­nies, each figu­re crea­tes las­ting memo­ries and stirs emo­ti­ons, adap­ting seam­less­ly to spe­cial occa­si­ons. They can even be desi­gned as repli­cas of famous art­works or his­to­ri­cal events, adding not just deco­ra­ti­ve but also sym­bo­lic value to your brand or event.

The abili­ty to deve­lop series or limi­t­ed edi­ti­ons opens up oppor­tu­ni­ties to the­ma­ti­cal­ly link figu­res and motifs, crea­ting exclu­si­ve coll­ec­tions. This way, you can con­ti­nu­al­ly delight your cus­to­mers and lea­ve a las­ting impres­si­on, making your brand, mes­sa­ge, or event unfor­gettable. The­se figu­res unlock vast potential—as mer­chan­di­se, pro­mo­tio­nal gifts, or exclu­si­ve fan items, tail­o­red to meet the uni­que wis­hes and inte­rests of your audience.

Helden-Figur «Füchsle», das Maskottchen des SC Freiburg, handmodelliertes Fanartikel-Figürchen

Roo­ted in tra­di­ti­on, dri­ven by innovation.
A lega­cy of craftsmanship.

At Tobi­as Rahm Han­dels­agen­tur, every pro­ject is infu­sed with deep exper­ti­se, crea­ti­ve craft­sman­ship, and an acu­te under­stan­ding of what cus­to­mers tru­ly value. The foun­da­ti­on of today’s fan artic­les and coll­ec­ti­bles lies in a tra­di­ti­on that stret­ches back deca­des. In the ear­ly 2000s, the Rahm family—founders of the «ger­­man-pres­ents» brand—pioneered the crea­ti­on of intri­ca­te figu­res and masks for car­ni­val asso­cia­ti­ons in sou­thern Ger­ma­ny. The­se uni­que pie­ces, inclu­ding «Häs», «Lar­ven», and «Schel­le­männ­le», were careful­ly hand­craf­ted and often cast in poly­res­in, a mate­ri­al still favor­ed for its dura­bi­li­ty and detail. The­se designs remain sought after by guilds today, reflec­ting the exper­ti­se and heri­ta­ge that con­ti­nue to shape our work.

With years of expe­ri­ence behind us, we know what it takes to crea­te figu­res and sou­ve­nirs that stand out—not only for their qua­li­ty and detail but also for their lon­ge­vi­ty. Every pie­ce we deve­lop is craf­ted with pre­cis­i­on and an inti­ma­te under­stan­ding of mar­ket demands. It’s never a gene­ric item pul­led from a cata­log but a thoughtful­ly desi­gned pro­duct that reso­na­tes with fans and cus­to­mers ali­ke. This dedi­ca­ti­on to qua­li­ty and inno­va­ti­on makes the poly­res­in figu­res and coll­ec­ti­bles by Tobi­as Rahm Han­dels­agen­tur a tru­ly unmat­ched offering.

From con­cept to your moment:
The jour­ney to your own Hero Figure

The crea­ti­on pro­cess at Tobi­as Rahm Han­dels­agen­tur com­bi­nes craft­sman­ship, arti­stry, and modern tech­no­lo­gy to deli­ver excep­tio­nal results. Each figu­re is brought to life through a thoughtful pro­cess that balan­ces room for per­so­na­liza­ti­on with the qua­li­ty and atten­ti­on to detail cus­to­mers expect today. Whe­ther hand­craf­ted by skil­led sculp­tors who craft the initi­al pro­to­ty­pe with meti­cu­lous care or digi­tal­ly desi­gned using the pre­cis­i­on of 3D tech­no­lo­gy, every pro­ject is approa­ched with dedi­ca­ti­on and exper­ti­se. Pho­to­graphs, mood boards, illus­tra­ti­ons, and your spe­ci­fic ide­as and brie­fings pro­vi­de the crea­ti­ve foun­da­ti­on for each design.

From your initi­al con­cept or a simp­le pho­to­graph to the finis­hed figu­re, we gui­de you through every step of the process—from ide­a­ti­on and feed­back to pro­duc­tion and deli­very. The first «mas­ter» pro­to­ty­pe lays the ground­work for the final pro­duct and is refi­ned until it per­fect­ly cap­tures the moment, sto­ry, and exci­te­ment you want to convey.

Zeichnung als Vorlage einer Helden-Figur mit farbiger Marker-Gestaltung und Detailangaben.

A sketch, a few pho­tos, and an idea—sometimes that’s all it takes to bring your Hero Figu­re to life. Whe­ther craf­ted from pre­cise digi­tal tem­pla­tes or through skil­led sculp­ting by hand, a mas­ter model is crea­ted to form the basis for the mold. The first cas­tings are careful­ly refi­ned and pain­ted until the final figu­re is complete.

Drei Fotografien als Vorlage einer Helden-Figur, verfeinert durch 3D-Technologie und zur fertigen individuellen Figur entwickelt.
Bildkomposition: Fotos und Illustration als Vorlage für die Helden-Figur, mit Detailangaben und farbiger Gestaltung.

A sketch, a few pho­tos, and an idea—sometimes that’s all it takes to bring your Hero Figu­re to life. Whe­ther craf­ted from pre­cise digi­tal tem­pla­tes or through skil­led sculp­ting by hand, a mas­ter model is crea­ted to form the basis for the mold. The first cas­tings are careful­ly refi­ned and pain­ted until the final figu­re is complete.

The Mate­ri­al.
The Impact.
A Per­fect Match.
For Your Brand.

The figu­res are made from polyresin—a dura­ble, high­ly detail­ed mate­ri­al ide­al for intri­ca­te and life­li­ke designs. It can also be com­bi­ned with other mate­ri­als when nee­ded, whe­ther to achie­ve trans­pa­ren­cy, a mat­te or metal­lic finish, or other cus­tom effects. This allows us to bring your exact visi­on to life, cap­ti­vat­ing your audi­ence at a pri­ce you can count on.

Each figu­re is hand-pain­­ted with pre­cis­i­on, and advan­ced tech­ni­ques are used to repro­du­ce colors and the finest details, giving the figu­res a stun­ning sen­se of rea­lism. The style, shapes, colors, and atten­ti­on to detail all work tog­e­ther to crea­te a finis­hed pro­duct that coll­ec­tors che­rish, espe­ci­al­ly in limi­t­ed editions.

But it’s not just the figu­re its­elf that matters—how it’s pre­sen­ted is just as important. Cus­tom pack­a­ging or pro­tec­ti­ve glass cases ensu­re your figu­re is show­ca­sed in all its glo­ry and trea­ted with the respect it deser­ves. If nee­ded, a desi­gner or brand pre­sen­ta­ti­on expert can assist you in crea­ting the per­fect dis­play for your figures.

3D-Modellierung der Helden-Figur mit Rundumansichten und Detailaufnahmen

From just four pho­tos to a flaw­less 3D tem­p­la­te: Every detail is per­fec­ted in the mas­ter model, thanks to cut­­ting-edge tech­no­lo­gy and the exper­ti­se of skil­led spe­cia­lists who meet the hig­hest stan­dards of pre­cis­i­on and quality.

Built on trust, dri­ven by innovation

The crea­ti­on of your hero figu­re is defi­ned by a seam­less blend of years of expe­ri­ence, trus­ted part­ner­ships, and cut­­ting-edge tech­no­lo­gy. Whe­ther it’s a hand­craf­ted mas­ter model or a digi­tal 3D tem­p­la­te, we com­bi­ne styl­es and tech­ni­ques to deli­ver a one-of-a-kind final pro­duct that tells the sto­ry you want to share with your fans and customers.

We col­la­bo­ra­te clo­se­ly with spe­cia­li­zed part­ners who bring pre­cis­i­on and care to every step of the process—a level of pas­si­on and dedi­ca­ti­on your cus­to­mers will tru­ly feel.

The sto­ry continues …

Our jour­ney with the figu­res by Tobi­as Rahm Han­dels­agen­tur is about more than crea­ting expres­si­ve products—it’s a reflec­tion of move­ment, the spi­rit of the times, and the ever-evol­­ving needs of our cus­to­mers. Each figu­re tells its own sto­ry, inspi­red by the ide­as and visi­ons of ever­yo­ne who is part of this journey—including you.

We are gra­teful for the clo­se col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with all the incre­di­ble peo­p­le who enrich our work. Your ide­as, visi­ons, and enthu­si­asm dri­ve us to explo­re new paths and embrace crea­ti­ve chal­lenges. This col­la­bo­ra­ti­on is at the heart of ever­y­thing we create—and for that, we are proud and deep­ly thankful.

Loo­king to the future, we remain true to this phi­lo­so­phy: always moving for­ward, always sear­ching for new ways to bring the sto­ries and moments to life that inspi­re us all. Becau­se in the end, it’s not just our figu­res that tell a story—it’s also the sto­ry of us and you, one that con­ti­nues to unfold. But that … is ano­ther sto­ry, one that deser­ves its own moment someday …

Detailaufnahme einer Helden-Figur in Weiß, zeigt präzise modellierte Details wie Gesichtszüge, Augenpartien, Bart und fein gestaltete Abzeichen auf dem Trikot.

Our jour­ney with the figu­res by Tobi­as Rahm Han­dels­agen­tur is about more than crea­ting expres­si­ve products—it’s a reflec­tion of move­ment, the spi­rit of the times, and the ever-evol­­ving needs of our cus­to­mers. Each figu­re tells its own sto­ry, inspi­red by the ide­as and visi­ons of ever­yo­ne who is part of this journey—including you.

We are gra­teful for the clo­se col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with all the incre­di­ble peo­p­le who enrich our work. Your ide­as, visi­ons, and enthu­si­asm dri­ve us to explo­re new paths and embrace crea­ti­ve chal­lenges. This col­la­bo­ra­ti­on is at the heart of ever­y­thing we create—and for that, we are proud and deep­ly thankful.

Loo­king to the future, we remain true to this phi­lo­so­phy: always moving for­ward, always sear­ching for new ways to bring the sto­ries and moments to life that inspi­re us all. Becau­se in the end, it’s not just our figu­res that tell a story—it’s also the sto­ry of us and you, one that con­ti­nues to unfold. But that … is ano­ther sto­ry, one that deser­ves its own moment someday …

Detailaufnahme einer Helden-Figur in Weiß, zeigt präzise modellierte Details wie Gesichtszüge, Augenpartien, Bart und fein gestaltete Abzeichen auf dem Trikot.

Let’s bring your vision to life!

Do you have an idea, a spe­cial moment, or a visi­on you want to rea­li­ze? Or are you loo­king for a crea­ti­ve way to cap­ti­va­te your fans and cus­to­mers? Tobi­as Rahm Han­dels­agen­tur is exci­ted to col­la­bo­ra­te with you, desig­ning inno­va­ti­ve con­cepts and craf­ting uni­que expe­ri­en­ces for your audi­ence. Reach out for a no-obli­­ga­­ti­on consultation—we can’t wait to hear your story.


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